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Bacterial secretion system

M2MDB IDMetabolite NameView
M2MDB000148Adenosine triphosphateMetaboCard
Uniprot IDProtein NameView
Q46832Putative type II secretion system M-type protein YghDProteinCard
P45757Putative type II secretion system protein CProteinCard
P45758Putative type II secretion system protein DProteinCard
P45759Putative type II secretion system protein EProteinCard
P41441Putative type II secretion system protein FProteinCard
P41442Putative type II secretion system protein GProteinCard
P41443Putative type II secretion system protein HProteinCard
P45760Putative type II secretion system protein IProteinCard
P45761Putative type II secretion system protein JProteinCard
P45762Putative type II secretion system protein KProteinCard
P45763Putative type II secretion system protein LProteinCard
P36678Putative type II secretion system protein MProteinCard
P25960Type 4 prepilin-like proteins leader peptide-processing enzymeProteinCard