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Record Information
Creation Date2012-08-09 09:16:11 -0600
Update Date2015-09-13 12:56:16 -0600
Secondary Accession Numbers
  • ECMDB21418
Name:3-Hydroxybutyric acid
Description3-Hydroxybutyric acid or beta-hydroxybutyrate belongs to a group of compounds known as ketone bodies. Other ketone bodies include acetoacetate and acetone. 3-hydroxybutyric acid is chiral and so it has 2 enantiomeric forms. (Wikipedia) In some strains of E. coli, such as E. coli O8 IAI1, the enzyme 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC: catalyzes a reversible redox reaction that converts 3-hydroxybutyric acid to acetoacetate, which can then be converted into acetoacetyl-CoA and participate in fatty acid metabolism. (KEGG). Hydroxybutyrate can also serve as a substrate for short-chain acylCo-A ligase and become a precursor for lipid synthesis.
  • β-hydroxybutyrate
  • β-hydroxybutyric acid
  • (R)-3-Hydroxybutanoate
  • (R)-3-hydroxybutanoic acid
  • (R)-3-Hydroxybutyrate
  • (R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid
  • 3-hydroxy-butanoate
  • 3-hydroxy-butanoic acid
  • 3-hydroxy-butyrate
  • 3-hydroxy-butyric acid
  • 3-Hydroxybutanoate
  • 3-Hydroxybutanoic acid
  • 3-Hydroxybutyrate
  • 3-OH-Butyrate
  • 3-OH-butyric acid
  • B-Hydroxy-n-butyrate
  • B-Hydroxy-n-butyric acid
  • B-Hydroxybutanoate
  • B-Hydroxybutanoic acid
  • b-Hydroxybuttersaeure
  • B-Hydroxybutyrate
  • B-hydroxybutyric acid
  • Beta-Hydroxy-n-butyrate
  • Beta-Hydroxy-n-butyric acid
  • Beta-Hydroxybutanoate
  • Beta-Hydroxybutanoic acid
  • Beta-Hydroxybuttersaeure
  • Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Beta-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • Biopol
  • D-β-hydroxybutyrate
  • D-β-hydroxybutyric acid
  • D-3-hydroxybutyrate
  • D-3-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • DL-3-Hydroxybutyrate
  • DL-3-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • DL-b-Hydroxybutyrate
  • DL-b-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • DL-beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • DL-beta-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • DL-β-Hydroxybutyrate
  • DL-β-Hydroxybutyric acid
  • β-Hydroxy-N-butyrate
  • β-Hydroxy-N-butyric acid
  • β-Hydroxybutanoate
  • β-Hydroxybutanoic acid
  • β-Hydroxybuttersaeure
  • β-Hydroxybutyrate
  • β-Hydroxybutyric acid
Chemical Formula:C4H8O3
Weight:Average: 104.1045
Monoisotopic: 104.047344122
CAS number:300-85-6
IUPAC Name:3-hydroxybutanoic acid
Traditional IUPAC Name:3 hydroxybutyrate
Chemical Taxonomy
Description belongs to the class of organic compounds known as beta hydroxy acids and derivatives. Beta hydroxy acids and derivatives are compounds containing a carboxylic acid substituted with a hydroxyl group on the C3 carbon atom.
KingdomOrganic compounds
Super ClassOrganic acids and derivatives
ClassHydroxy acids and derivatives
Sub ClassBeta hydroxy acids and derivatives
Direct ParentBeta hydroxy acids and derivatives
Alternative Parents
  • Short-chain hydroxy acid
  • Beta-hydroxy acid
  • Fatty acid
  • Secondary alcohol
  • Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives
  • Carboxylic acid
  • Carboxylic acid derivative
  • Organic oxygen compound
  • Organic oxide
  • Hydrocarbon derivative
  • Organooxygen compound
  • Carbonyl group
  • Alcohol
  • Aliphatic acyclic compound
Molecular FrameworkAliphatic acyclic compounds
External Descriptors
Physical Properties
Melting point:46 °C
Experimental Properties:
Water Solubility:444 mg/mL [HMP experimental]PhysProp
Predicted Properties
Water Solubility539 g/LALOGPS
pKa (Strongest Acidic)4.41ChemAxon
pKa (Strongest Basic)-2.6ChemAxon
Physiological Charge-1ChemAxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count3ChemAxon
Hydrogen Donor Count2ChemAxon
Polar Surface Area57.53 ŲChemAxon
Rotatable Bond Count2ChemAxon
Refractivity23.46 m³·mol⁻¹ChemAxon
Polarizability10.01 ųChemAxon
Number of Rings0ChemAxon
Rule of FiveYesChemAxon
Ghose FilterYesChemAxon
Veber's RuleYesChemAxon
MDDR-like RuleYesChemAxon
Biological Properties
Cellular Locations:Cytoplasm
SMPDB Pathways:Not Available
KEGG Pathways:Not Available
EcoCyc Pathways:Not Available
Not Available
Spectrum TypeDescriptionSplash Key
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (Non-derivatized)splash10-0002-0900000000-92be5c49a099fe1d9865View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (Non-derivatized)splash10-01ot-1920000000-c93138bf9d35643fef30View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (2 TMS)splash10-00dj-8900000000-e632e14fb4be28bdb786View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (2 TMS)splash10-014l-1900000000-e192caba63f034040624View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized)splash10-0002-0900000000-92be5c49a099fe1d9865View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized)splash10-01ot-1920000000-c93138bf9d35643fef30View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized)splash10-00dj-8900000000-e632e14fb4be28bdb786View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (Non-derivatized)splash10-014l-1900000000-e192caba63f034040624View in MoNA
GC-MSGC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized)splash10-0002-0900000000-d06c5ac1a3733a38ea05View in MoNA
Predicted GC-MSPredicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (Non-derivatized) - 70eV, Positivesplash10-0007-9000000000-63f261a4dc876e264246View in MoNA
Predicted GC-MSPredicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (2 TMS) - 70eV, Positivesplash10-01ei-9710000000-2652bd46b41e50defdb0View in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 10V, Negative (Annotated)splash10-0a4i-9200000000-4156904e7472b5e97249View in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, Negative (Annotated)splash10-0a4i-9300000000-505ae46abb0c49c78b1eView in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 40V, Negative (Annotated)splash10-0zfr-9600000000-dfed69c37c1a4d794440View in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF (UPLC Q-Tof Premier, Waters) , Negativesplash10-0zfr-4900000000-537084557f5986f16b31View in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , negativesplash10-0zfr-4900000000-537084557f5986f16b31View in MoNA
LC-MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-IT , positivesplash10-000i-9000000000-7f0ec480b3c3c3911acdView in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positivesplash10-00kr-9100000000-05c4623b015ff4300a6dView in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positivesplash10-05n0-9000000000-cbe0653845ffe4dc6ad4View in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positivesplash10-0006-9000000000-e55d47308c7464e4cb22View in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negativesplash10-0zfr-8900000000-06dfbf939f6d19983ebeView in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negativesplash10-0pb9-9200000000-48b6e9b8656d41bff9cfView in MoNA
Predicted LC-MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negativesplash10-0a4l-9000000000-f7d61596ff4428fe6b09View in MoNA
MSMass Spectrum (Electron Ionization)splash10-0007-9000000000-7fc414806153ebd8822cView in MoNA
1D NMR13C NMR SpectrumNot AvailableView in JSpectraViewer
1D NMR1H NMR SpectrumNot AvailableView in JSpectraViewer
1D NMR1H NMR SpectrumNot AvailableView in JSpectraViewer
2D NMR[1H,1H] 2D NMR SpectrumNot AvailableView in JSpectraViewer
2D NMR[1H,13C] 2D NMR SpectrumNot AvailableView in JSpectraViewer
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  • Blomqvist G, Alvarsson M, Grill V, Von Heijne G, Ingvar M, Thorell JO, Stone-Elander S, Widen L, Ekberg K: Effect of acute hyperketonemia on the cerebral uptake of ketone bodies in nondiabetic subjects and IDDM patients. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jul;283(1):E20-8. Pubmed: 12067838
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  • Pan JW, Rothman TL, Behar KL, Stein DT, Hetherington HP: Human brain beta-hydroxybutyrate and lactate increase in fasting-induced ketosis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2000 Oct;20(10):1502-7. Pubmed: 11043913
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  • Plecko B, Stoeckler-Ipsiroglu S, Schober E, Harrer G, Mlynarik V, Gruber S, Moser E, Moeslinger D, Silgoner H, Ipsiroglu O: Oral beta-hydroxybutyrate supplementation in two patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia: monitoring of beta-hydroxybutyrate levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid, and in the brain by in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Pediatr Res. 2002 Aug;52(2):301-6. Pubmed: 12149510
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  • Teresinski G, Buszewicz G, Madro R: The influence of ethanol on the level of ketone bodies in hypothermia. Forensic Sci Int. 2002 Jun 25;127(1-2):88-96. Pubmed: 12098531
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Synthesis Reference:Not Available
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)Download (PDF)
External Links:
Pubchem Compound ID441
Kegg IDC01089
ChemSpider ID428
Wikipedia3-Hydroxybutyric acid
BioCyc IDCPD-335
EcoCyc IDCPD-335


General function:
Involved in catalytic activity
Specific function:
Catalyzes the esterification, concomitant with transport, of exogenous fatty acids into metabolically active CoA thioesters for subsequent degradation or incorporation into phospholipids. It has a low activity on medium or long chain fatty acids and is maximally active on C6 and C8 substrates
Gene Name:
Uniprot ID:
Molecular weight:
ATP + a short-chain carboxylic acid + CoA = AMP + diphosphate + an acyl-CoA.